Can you tell the difference between the common cold and the flu? Both are highly contagious 😷, but this #CDC chart can help distinguish between them. While the common cold is caused by any of several viruses, the flu is distinctively caused by the influenza virus. If caught early, we can treat the flu with 💊 oseltamivir (tamiflu), which can shorten flu symptoms by stopping the influenza virus from dividing. The flu #vaccine works by exposing the immune system to bits of influenza virus protein, thus ramping up the immune cells against the virus before a true infection occurs. Did you get the flu vaccine this year? It's the best way to prevent getting the flu! Importantly, in neither the cold nor the flu are antibiotics effective ❌. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections -- NOT viral infections, which both the cold and the flu are. In fact, taking antibiotics in either case can be downright dangerous, exposing the body to its side effects, wiping the gut of good bacteria that digest food, and most pointedly, breeding bacterial #resistance 👎. If you get the flu, get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water and nutritious food, and seek medical care if you are not getting better. #cold #flu