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I'm an absolute believer in the power of preventative medicine. Preventing disease is far easier than curing it, and can often be achieved through lifestyle changes alone. The two leading causes of death across the globe are heart attacks and strokes, and they both boil down to one thing: atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis refers to fatty cholesterol-laden plaque buildup within arteries. Through years of research, we've learned that with diet, exercise, and smoking cessation, we can prevent progression of atherosclerosis, dramatically reducing our heart attack and stroke risk. . But we also know that in medicine, what sounds like an answer immediately raises new questions. Great scientific answers are not endpoints; they're new beginnings. My research interest is in atherosclerosis, and specifically, in reversal of atherosclerotic disease, once it's already present. The goal isn't only to halt its progression, as we have already done, but to actually turn back the clock. As a resident physician, I'm fortunate to work in a hospital setting where I see and treat disease firsthand. This privilege drives me to pursue a healthier lifestyle myself, through strategies that I share on this page. But my dream? By reversing atherosclerosis, to witness heart attacks and strokes become a thing of the past. My clinical experiences drive my research, and my research drives my pursuit of this field, which I hope to make more accessible to others through this page. Thank you to my followers. #moretocome 💪



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