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Healthy and Unhealthy Heart

This picture shows the difference between a healthy heart and a heart in obesity. Notice how drastically the visceral fat encompasses the organ. There are essentially ✌️ different ways our bodies store fat: 1) Visceral fat, or the type of fat surrounding internal organs, and 2) Subcutaneous fat, or fat stored just under the skin (e.g. cellulite). Although subcutaneous fat is more visible (🙁), it's actually visceral fat that has been shown to have far more detrimental effects on long-term health, especially in heart and metabolic disease. To measure your risk of visceral fat related heart disease, use the waist-to-hip ratio. First, measure the circumference of your hip at its widest part, around the buttocks. Then measure your waist at its smallest circumference, just above the belly button. Divide the waist by the hip measurement to get the ratio: ✔️ Normal = men 0.90 or below, women 0.85 or below. ❌ High risk = men above 0.90, women above 0.85. Goes without saying the importance of nutrition and fitness on visceral fat, risk of heart and metabolic disease, and overall well-being. Stay tuned! Everyday fitness and nutrition tips to come from your insta-MD 💪🔥 #cardio #fitness #health



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