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Vaccines - they work

This is a picture we will no longer see today. Why? Because of vaccines. . These two boys had been exposed to the same Smallpox source -...

Supporting Medical Research

Supporting medical research comes in all forms. Thought this note from Owen, Parkinson's Disease's youngest donor, would brighten your...

The Power of Exercise

The power of exercise in preserving muscle mass as we age . What we see here are axial MRI views of the thighs (imagine cutting the thigh...


I'm an absolute believer in the power of preventative medicine. Preventing disease is far easier than curing it, and can often be...

Honest Abe

I've seen a lot of bad info out there, especially on Instagram. Always check your sources and do your own research 🕵 The purpose of this...

Little Tip

Little tip for my healthcare following: always warm your stethoscope before placing it on a patient! 😄


A REAL gallbladder, surgically excised and opened to reveal cholesterol gallstones inside (thx, @mrs_angemi !) . The gallbladder, sitting...

The Face Behind the Tips

The face behind the tips @mdhealthtips . #iTakeNopicsofMyself#croppedgroupPic #backtotheTips 😎

The Hippocampus

The hippocampus is THE area in the #brain responsible for memory 🌳 We learned a great deal about the role of the hippocampus from a...

Stroke... When Time is Brain

Colored 3D angiogram of the brain . 85% of strokes are ischemic strokes (ischemia = lack of blood flow), caused by a clot blocking one of...

Brain Beauty

Diffusion tensor imaging of the brain. What we see highlighted here are white-matter axonal tracts, the very highway system that neurons...

Your Own Path

Follow your own path. Accept that others may not understand 💪

Ovulation (and Mittelschmerz!)

Incredible REAL image of ovulation, taken just at the point of follicular rupture and release of a mature egg from the ovary. About 20%...

Running Injuries

Nice informative diagram 📝 What do all these injuries have in common (besides being common injuries themselves 🙈)? ...That they can all...


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